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Joined the HAM society in 12-years age (1962).
Individual license 1976.
Break in HAM between 1986 - 2020, acting only rearly. Re-started in 2020.
Working mainly CW on HF bands. Almost daily however most qso-s in contests.
Kenwood TS690S fully assembled with filters. (100W)
Aerial trapped dipole (Diamond w8010) split to 80-40-20 dipole semi-inverted V 10m up and oblique (semi-vertical) dipole for 15 and 10 m.
PA 150 w (RM Italy HLA 150V) to protect the rig transistors.
Logbook and the contest logs operated in MS Excel.
DX Code Of Conduct
I support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.