I was born in 1939 ...ham radio activity started in 1958 as SWL OK1-8188 then I became a member of the radio club at Czechoslovak Ministry of Communication 1969 I got my personal licence of OK1DKR,I started with C licence and in 1976 I passed checks for the highest class the moment I have confirmed 323 DXCC country on CW and a bit less on SSB because I always preferred to work CW...I especially like contesting and dxing but some times just for fun I work also QRP with my home brew gears which are:an old direct conversion 2W RF tcvr Heathkit HW-8 and some modern QRP tcvr that SW-40...I mostly use an Kenwood Model TS-590S HF transceiver and an Cushcraft R 7000 vertical antenna plus an sloper 200FT or 60metres long from top of a 11th floor high building,slooping down over an park and finishing some 30FT above ground,I tune it with an L-match for 50ohms...for VHF/UHF which is not my extra hobby I use an Icom IC-2800 and an Nagoya NB-5200 duoband vertical.
As for my profession...As I like the world of aviation I started as an radiooperator on gonio station at Praha-RuzynÄ›-Airport in 1960...within a few month the gonio was closed so I went into school for new Air-Traffic-Controllers...I finished all state examinations and I got my controller licence for Praha Area Control Centre in 1963,within a year I got my radar endorsemet...and in 1975 I succesfuly passed all tests so I became an supervisor-instructor for Praha Area Control 2001 I have to finish with that position according to current air law as an active ATC and I went to Flight Information Centre and worked for General Aviation as well as with Eurocontrol Brussels as an Flow Manager..finally in 2003 I was fully retired...anyway I am still in good touch with my ATC colleagues at Praha-International-Airport and at home I have very sofisticated Flight Simulator so I am still flying and controlling aircraft at home...
I am also still in good shape thanks to my long distance running,up to this time I run nearly 100.000 kilometres,some 40 marathon races with my best time of 2:41:35 hours...long distance running is my the second greatest hobby...
So that,s my story...
Heathkit Tcvr Model:HW-8 QRP Home Made from a kit
Small Wonder Labs Tcvr Model:SW-40 QRP Home Made from a kit
Kenwood HF tcvr Model:TS-590S Pwr 100W
Yaesu All Band All Mode tcvr Model:FT-857D Pwr 100W
Icom VHF/UHF Mobile tcvr Model:IC-2730E PWR 50W
Kenwood All Mode All Bands Hand Held Model:TH-F7E
Antennas:Cushcraft R7000 Vertical
Sloper 200FT
Nagoya NB-5200 VHF/UHF Duo Band