Hello to all readers and DXer,
I'm a ham since 1988 with UHF and VHF and HF QRV since 1989. I started with satellite radio and, since the AO-13 is not QRV only on HF, I started where I worked in Phonie as well as digital modes such as APRS, Pactor, RTTY and PSK, QRP is working very interesting. I am also happy with my motor home traveling throughout Europe, where I am also QRV on HF during my holiday. Excuse my bad English but I hope we may listen to on a band on short wave. You can me also see in APRS (OE6CUD-9), where I am at work or in my holidays on the road.
Last Update: Since autumn 2014, I again started to learn CW (which I've learned in 1998 but unfortunately had no radio friend who introduced me to the practice of CW, what a shame) and now work i mostly in CW. Contacts in CW are welcome also SWL are welcome.
73 55 de Chris -OE6CUD-
Worked DXCCs:
Station by OE6CUD
Home Station:
Elecraft K3 SN: 4397
Icom IC-910
Home Antenna Tower1:
Hygain TH11-DX
Homemade Dipole for 30m
1x NO - SW, 1x NW - SO
Kelemen Dipole 160m-80m-40m
5 ele. Cushcraft for 6m
Rotary Dipole for 40m EAntennas 40MD Y1
Home Antenna Tower2:
16 ele. Tonna Boom 6m for 2m
19 ele. Maspro for 70cm
Portable Station:
Elecraft KX3 SN: 315
Kenwood TH-D74E Handheld
Portable Antenna:
Buddipole Deluxe Package 6m to 40m (2m)
Super Antennas MP-1
Home made Bazooka Dipole 40m and 30m
Alex Loop 40-10m
HY Endfed 4 Band Longwire
Hille Dipole 2x6,5m only for QRP
Mobile Station:
Kenwood TS-480HX HF-6m 5-200W
Kenwood TM-D710 2m/70cm
Mobile Antenna:
Outbacker Perth OB8 10-80m
2m/70cm 5/8 Vertical