Born 1959, Licensed: 1984
Active Calls: OE2GEN, OE2E, OE2S, 5B4ABP, P3L
Favorite modes are: CW, SSB, Digimodes
Contest, Contest, ....
354 countries confirmed (incl. Deleted)
Worked DXCCs:
YAESU: FTdx5000 - FTdx-3000, IC-7300, FT-450D
PA: OM-POWER 2500, homemade 6M Power Amplifier
Station automation - MICROHAM: Mk2R+, 1x micro KEYER II, 1x micro KEYER III, 1x micro2R, Microham StationMaster, micro SIX SWITCH
Stuff from WX0B: Antenna switch, digital Wattmeter, ...
Antennas: Ultrabem 10 - 40 Meters, Butternut HF2V (40-80), Shuntfeed on Tower 22 Meter (160), some wires for low-bands
Rotators by YAESU - G-2800 SDX
and a lot of other unused stuff, ...