I've been a ham since 1976. My first call was WN9VTF as a novice. I upgraded to General in the spring of 1977. Back then the test had to be taken at the FCC office. I lived only 30 miles from the Chicago FCC office, so that is where I took the General test, and passed. Finally in 1999, I I took and passed the Extra class exam. My ham Elmer (K9IQP SK) from 1976, who administered my novice code and written test, was the the volunteer Examiner who administered my extra class code test and written exam. I passed with flying colors.
Since becoming an Extra class, I have become more addicted to DXing! I am very close to DXCC honor roll with 328 current DX entities confirmed, and a total of 334 confirmed counting deleted countries. I have also completed DXCC on 8 bands 10-80. All but 11 countries, on 80m, are confirmed via LOTW. All accomplished with 100 watts or less and low hanging (under 40') wire antennas from 30 meters down to 160, and small 2 or 3 element tribanders no more than 40' above ground.
Living on small city lots over the past 40 years has been a handicap for being able to grow an antenna farm! being close to my neighbors I felt it prudent not to run an amplifier, so I never had the desire to purchase one. It's been a fun adventure so far. Hoping to work and confirm the last two required to qualify for DXCC Honor Roll!
I also contest with the Society of Midwest Contesters.
73, and hope to work you.
Gene, N9TF
Worked DXCCs:
Rigs: Elecraft K3S with P3, Yaesu FT-897 for 2/432 SSB ony. Kenwood TM-701A dual band FM, Alinco DR-235 223FM.
Antennas: Comet CX333 2/223/440 triband vertcal, M2 7 element 2m (ssb), M2 11 element 432, D3W rotatable dipole 12/17/30, 3 element 6m beam, TH2MK3 2 element tribander 10/15/20, 80m OCF dipole, and W8AMZ shortened 1/2 sloper for 160.
All antennas are mounted or attached to a short (36' tall) Rohn 25G tower against my two story home.