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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-15 20:00:50 UTC









Active user

activity index: 2 of 5

John W Smithson Jr.

Charleston 25311
United States, WV

united states
image of n8zya

Call data

Last update:2014-03-29 18:34:17
Main prefix:K
Federal state:WV
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:752969

QSL data

Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


Operating portable QRP equipment is my "preferred mode" of communications. I currently use an Icom 703 and Isotron antenna's on the 40 and 20 meter bands due to living in a "restricted antenna area" near the state capitol of Charleston, West Virginia. I use dipoles when operating in the field on 10-15-17-20-30 and 40 meters. I've recently added a 50 ft indoor "random wire" antenna which allows me to work "all bands" at home. My log book has well over 2000 contacts. Of those, over 750+ are DX contacts with 102 different entities using 5 watts or less of power.I've worked numerous stations at better than "1000 miles per watt".

I'm the founder of the "West Virginia Chapter" of the NAQCC Club. I hold both the 50 and 100 point 2 X QRP endorsements from that club. I was the "Special Event Station' (N8A) operator for the "5th Anniversary Celebration" of the club. I hold the NAQCC "Friendship Award" of which I'm proud to be #13 and also the WAS award (50 states QRP) # 22. I have my "DXCC QRP Simple Wire Antenna" award, of which I'm lucky member # 12.

I've held over 20 different jobs in this short life. The majority were as a "heavy equipment mechanic" in the coal mining and transportation industries. After 21 years of service with a major paint company, I retired and began my real "radio" life.

I was a Signalman on the Destroyer USS Corry (DD-817) and am an official member of the "Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club". I attended college afterwards but never graduated. I went back to college in 2003 and earned a Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree from West Virginia State University. I retired from the paint company, the next year, at the age of 56.

I've lived an interesting but unusual life. I have 2 children and 5 grandchildren. I spend my non radio life playing Bridge, playing the Guitar and Piano, or reading a good book. I love good classical music.

I owe my love of radio to two mentors. NK8Y developed my interest in QRP and WD8ODE (now a silent key) spent hours upon hours operating mobile from the many mountaintops in this state.

My club memberships are: NAQCC # 2279 FISTS # 13968 CC # 2066 SKCC # 4525 FP # 1896 ARCI # 14435 HH # 1238

I prefer to exchange all cards (domestic and DX) via E-QSL but if you "absolutly got'a have a paper card" send me yours with a SASE and I'll return it promptly.


Isotrons, dipoles, and random wires for DX.


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