My name is Bert and I QSL 100% all cards received, direct or via the bureau. Please QSL. I need your card! If our QSO is not confirmed in LoTW, send me an email and I will search my log.
QSL cards for IOTA NA-062 Key West, NA-010 Cape Breton Island, and NA-029 Prince Edward Island are available upon request.
I operate from Florida, West Virginia, and various portable locations. If you are unsure of my location for our QSO, send me an email and I will confirm my location.
Formerly KN8MHB, K8MHB, K7LKO, W1CDS, KZ5KO (Panama Canal Zone), HI8XAG (Dominican Republic), DA1CF (West Germany), HB0/DA1CF (Lichtenstein), DA2NN (Germany), and guest operator at HZ1AB (Saudi Arabia).
First licensed in 1958 as KN8MHB at the age of 13 in Moundsville, WV, I upgraded to Technician then General in 1959. When incentive licensing hit, I upgraded to Extra class to keep my CW privileges. I got my current call N8NN in 1977.
I retired from the U.S. Army after 30 years of active duty. I flew AH-1G Cobra helicopter gunships in Vietnam for a year, served a year in Saudi Arabia and seven years in Germany. I worked with computer software and systems development in the Army. I am now a full-time ham.
Ragchewing on CW, chasing DX, QRP, and antique boatanchor radios are my major interests. I like to hang around 7030 kHz where the Chicken Fat Operators (CFO) used to be -- I miss that old gang. CFO #400. My boatanchor collecton includes EF Johnson, WRL, Knight, Eico, Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, Heathkit, and SBE. Most of the boatanchors are awaiting repair.
I am a member of the ARRL A-1 Operator Club and the West Virginia DX Association (WVDXA). I am on the DXCC Honor Roll, and have DXCC on 8 bands.
My home station is a Yaesu FT-1000mp Mark V Field, a Yaesu Quadra amplifier and a dipole antenna in the attic. My RV station is a Yaesu FT-991A and a Comet CHA250B vertical. My QRP stations include an Elecraft KX2, mcHF, RS-918ssb, QCX, HFSigs and a random wire in a tree.
73, Bert N8NN
Worked DXCCs:
Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V Field
Yaesu VL-1000 Quadra
Yaesu FT-991A
Elecraft KX2
QRP Labs QCX-40
HFSignals uBitx v6.3
and too many boatanchors to list