Hi from Smokey and his Mexican Mafia body guard, Lit'l Bit, at the Pine Straw Plantation!
I've been called Smokey since I was 3 months old. I got into HAM with a HAM-in-a-Day session and passed the Technician Class on my first try in December 2015. I am currently studying for my General. I got into HAM primarily because of my desire to get involved in SKYWARN, but am finding it a most interesting hobby in other forms. I look forward to growing as an operator and community volunteer.
If you're wondering about why I call my place the Pine Straw Plantation, my little house sits on a half-acre lot in Cereal City, USA. My house shares this small lot with 14 Eastern White Pine trees that range in height from 40' to 80'. I didn't plant them, they were here when I moved in. They are of the long needle variety and every Spring and Autumn they change out their needles. This blankets my lawn with a carpet of pine straw, which makes an excellent mulch. However I don't care for my grass to be covered and killed by it, so it must be raked up. I use it to mulch along my fences and around the foundation of the house. But I always have more than enough and I'm willing to share. Free..... all you can rake. I never get any takers, for some reason.
My club and amateur radio affiliations include the Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society, Calhoun County Skywarn, Battle Creek CERT/RACES/ARES, and ARRL.
If you looked me up here from a QSO, thanks for answering my call and send me your QSL via or log our contact here at QRZ or LoTW.
Worked DXCCs: