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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-01-10 01:56:38 UTC









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Larry Van Horn

Brasstown 28902
United States, NC

united states
image of n5fpw

Call data

Last update:2015-06-01 10:22:21
QTH:Brasstown, NC
Main prefix:K
Federal state:NC
US county:Clay
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:700121

QSL data

Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


QSL via LOTW/Paper (direct or buro). I will QSL eQSLs, but that will be AGs only. BTW the name here is Larry, not William or Bill.

DMC #680, Feld Held #839, EPC #2532, 070 Club #644, 10-10 Club 71060

I was first licensed as an amateur radio operator in 1973 with the callsign WH6INU. I later upgraded to general class and spent my early ham days operating out of the world famous KH6SP (KH6 Salty Peanuts) ham shack in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, chasing DX and contesting. My elmer in Pearl was WA4GIF who I remain in contact with today (he lives in the Orlando area).

I worked at various military ham radio stations in Long Beach and Memphis on subsequent duty assignments, but due to my Navy career and a few other distractions, I really didn't have a permament ham type of operation. We finally settled downafter I retired from the Navy 1993 with the rank of Chief Petty Officer. By then I was married and we moved to Brasstown, North Carolina, in the mountains in western tip of the state.

After several years of getting my feet on the ground and adjusting to civilian life, in November 1999, I rediscovered the thrill of HF again and I have spend my shack time operating QRP, running all digital modes (I really like JT9, JT65A, RTTY and PSK31), contesting and chasing DX.

My entire family are all licensed hams/radio hobbyists and they are my wife Gayle (W4GVH) and son Loyd (W4LVH), who lives in Greer, SC. Loyd is an avid contester and DXer and Gayle prowls the VHF/UHF bands looking for weak signals to work.

Since my return to the bands I have since earned several ARRL DXCC awards: Mixed (worked 212 countries/210 verified), Phone, Digital, and 10/15/20m bands, completed the requirements for my 5BWAS on 12/23/2012, WAC (10/15/20/40m), IOTA and several other neat ham awards.

If you are a County Hunter and need the fairly rare NC county of Clay, feel free to contact me and we can setup a sked. I have also done very well in several contest including some of the notables below:

• 2001 ARRL Sweepstakes Single Op QRP Phone 1st Place Roanoke Division
• 2002 ARRL Sweepstakes Single Op QRP Phone 1st Place Roanoke Division
• 2002 CQ WW DX Contest QRP All Band SSB #3 United State/#2 4th Call Area
• 2008 RGSB IOTA Contest 0 1st Place World, Single-Op Assisted SSB 24 Hr QRP Section

I'm an avid wall paper collector and I love to exchange real QSLs, but I do have an ARRL LOTW account and enjoy the convenience of the electronic QSO QSL. I am especially eager to receive shortwave radio listener (SWL) reception reports and QSL 100% all correct reports.

I currently work at Grove Enterprises in Brasstown, North Carolina, the publisher of the monthly radio hobby magazine Monitoring Times (now in its 30th year of publication. My job on the Monitoring Times staff is as the assistant / technical / review editor, advertising manager and staff journalist or the staff boy Friday.

My monitoring speciality is monitoring military and HF utility communications (duh!). In 2006 I started the Milcom Monitoring Post blog ( and it has now had nearly 2 million visitors worldwide. If you want the latest miliary monitoring news and frequencies - then pay me a visit on the MilcomMP blog. I also have a twitter feed for real late breaking news @MilcomMP. If I find something of particular interest to a wide audience in real time you will see it on my twitter feed. I have my general monitoring blog where I post general moniotring "stuff" and it is called the Btown Monitoring Post. You can visit that blog at If you are interested in shortwave broadcasting be sure to visit Gayle's (W4GVH) excellent blog at She also has a twitter feed for late breakng info at @QSLrptMT.

When I am not spinning the dials, I participate in my other two hobbies -- genealogy and astronomy. I'm an active family historian, syndicated genealogy newspaper columnist, genealogy lecturer and college genealogy instructor. I tell me friends that I am a true "certified dead relative collector" and love to chat on the ham bands with other family historians (genealogist).

I also enjoy the thrill of seeing the universe through my Celestron 6SE 6-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.

So 73 to all and good hunting. I hope to catch you on the bands real soon de The Chief (aka El Jefe)


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