Past president Mile High DX Association- Ex calls include TI5/N0AH, KH6/N0AH, F/N0AH, 3DA0AX, ZS6/N0AH, VK9LZ, N0AH/7. Primary mode is CW, then SSB- Enjoy contesting. Goal each year is to work DXCC on 9 bands- Best accomplishment 5BWAZ (all 200)-
DXCC Confirmed is 329, with 330 worked- Just waiting for my Swain Island confirmation to finally get to 330- Pet Peeve is crappy amplifiers trashing the bands- Buy an Alpha, and keep the peace! They are the best and operate clean!!
I am 49 years old, have been a ham since 1995. I have three great daughters, who all enjoy some aspects of the hobby- Wife is KD0ISN. Oldest daughter is Anna, W0ANT, and was the ARRL Rocky Mountain Region Young Amateur Radio Operator of the Year in 2010.
I am a long time user of LPDA's- I have had articles published in CQ Contest Magazine, National Contest Journal, and World Radio. I volunteer teaching amatuer radio in elementary schools and work part-time as a Gifted Education teacher for Cherry Creek schools-
30 meters is my favorite band- I have zero interest in VHF or higher bands-
Suburban small lot location surrounded by houses. Station: Low Power- No RF Amplifiers TS-590S, 8 Ele LDPA, 40M RTD, 30M wire dipole, Cushcraft MA80/40V, MA160V, K9AY E/W loop, 3 ele 6M short yagi.