Call data Last update: | 2023-06-22 20:15:59 | Continent: | EU | Views: | 477 | Main prefix: | G | Latitude: | 54.9375000 | Longitude: | -1.5416667 | Locator: | IO94FW | IOTA: | EU-005 | DXCC Zone: | 223 | ITU Zone: | 27 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
Most used bands 10m (26%) 17m (16%) 40m (13%) 30m (11%) 6m (8%) Most used modes FT8 (99%) MFSK (1%) USB (1%) FM (1%) SSB (1%) QSL data Last update: | 2023-06-22 20:15:23 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | no | Extra QSL Info: | Email to arrange direct QSL |
| Biography My Station
TXRX: 2x Icom 7300 (HF/6/4) & Yaesu FT-991 (UHF/VHF)
HF Ant: Home Brew end-fed 160m-30m / 7-Band Cobweb 20m-4m / iMax 2000 vertical 17m-10m.
VHF/UHF Ant: Comet GP-9 2/70 Vertical 8.5dBi/11.9dBi
My QTH is 150m ASL
Pwr: 30w (Datamodes)
QSL: via (AG).
Gridsquare: IO94FW
WAB Square: NZ26
Hello and thanks for looking me up on QRZ,
My Name is Craig and I have been a licensed HAM since 1996. My previous calls were 2E1GUM and 2E0GUM. My callsign is not a special issue, it denotes that I passed a 5wpm morse test (I could do 12wpm, but I fluffed the exam so went back in for 5 on the day!). This 5wpm pass granted me the M5 license and 50w at the time. With the abolishment of the morse requirement I was offered an M0 callsign, but decided to stick with the M5. So my call is a FULL UK license.
I mostly work Data modes, but if you hear me on voice then please break in and I'll be more than happy to have a chat. I live in North Eastern England and have returned to my hometown of Gateshead, which is aprox 2km south of the City of Newcastle. I have recently returned to the hobby after a break of almost 6 years. I used to work mainly PSK31 back then but it now seems to be FT8 and JS8Call which is used, so I am now finding my feet in these new modes and will be working the highest band that’s open most evenings when I am sat at the radio and also running WSPR on various bands when I am not.
I upload my logs to QRZ and eQSL on active days. I am more than happy to exchange paper cards with you (no Money required) but please do not send via the Bureau, simply email me for a postal address and we can exchange direct. SWL Reports are also welcome and I will always try to reply.
Thanks for looking me up and I hope we can make contact in the near future.
73 de M5GUM, Craig in IO94FW, England UK
FT8 operators:
Please try to complete full exchanges where possible, even in tough conditions. Its really appreciated, thank you.
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