Good Afternoon. I became an amateur operator in August 2015 passing my foundation exam after many years working 11 metres. I have been interested in radio since early 80's,
I am aged 59 and am married to Lorraine and I am her carer 24/7/365 and we live on the wirral north-west uk
Latest News
I'm now an owner of a Yaesu FT-840 HF radio thx to Keith 2E0KHI and my first HF contact was to a station in Slovenia: and now no stopping me:
I along with 6 others all successfully passed our Intermediate amateur exam (8-2-2016) and I am now the proud owner of 2E0DUP.
BIG THANKS go to Geoff Brown G4WUA and Neil Challis MOWBG our tutors:
Now in the frame of mind to go for my Advanced/Full Licence'; watch this space
Well I have taken the plunge now and have enrolled for my advanced course 21 weeks in total starting in July 2016 wish me luck.
LATEST; Now signed up for my advanced course ( Long Distance Learning from Bath )no waiting to start in July 2016:Well on 2nd attempt I passed my advanced on the 10th March 2017 and the new call sign is M0VWD If you hear me on give me a shout 73 Vance M0VWD Wirral.
I will QSL 100 % using E-QSL
73's to you all and hope to catch you on frequency some day:
My radios are the Yaesu FT-840 25 watts ( due to a fault )
Superstar6900 N 40 watts
Baofeng UV 82 FM 2M & 70 CMS Output 5 Watts
My antennas
GAP 27 VERTICAL approx. 50 feet above ground level
V2000 2m + 70 cms approx. 35 feet above ground level
Antron 99 approx. 20 feet above ground level