Will QSL 100% via bureau or direct if IRC or postage covered .
I Founded and used to run Fleetwood Radio Enthusiast Group along with Rob 2E0FFS.
I enjoy and take part in all aspects of the hobby be it Ham ,Fusion, Echolink ,Zello, SWL , CB , Scanner , Construction , QRP etc. I operate an open shack policy where by anyone wanting to learn to have a go at an aspect of the hobby they have not tried before can come and have a go over a fresh brew.
I enjoy all aspects of our hobby and can be found on the radio somewhere almost every day be it from my home QTH or portable , mobile or even pedestrian mobile on the promenade I have adapted my car to be able to have a 20 foot or 33 foot telescopic mast on the rear with various antenna's atop of it ; be it a vertical or a 20m-6m beam or just as a support for various wire antenna's.
I lost my life long friend and companion aka Bisto doggy he was 17 and a half when he passed away on July 25th 2018 it was the saddest day of my life he would accompany me on all my activities be it radio related or otherwise he was a real social character and had everyone trained to his whim. He has a page on Facebook " We Love Bisto doggy" it is a space that cannot be filled.
Other hobbies I also do are pro slot car racing with my son Toby at "Blackpool slot car club" ,I also attend a paranormal and UFO group in Blackpool called LAPIS and can be found on the echolink ARUFON conference most Sunday nights etc , I play the guitar and teach anyone who is struggling or wanting to learn to play ,my house can be quite lively as my son plays drums we often have a jam in the garage . Another passion of mine is I collect retro computers and software .
(1) Yaesu FT2000 with a Kenwood MC60 desk microphone and the SP2000 filtered speaker,Palstar AT1KM ,102ft Doublet arranged as a parallel beam with the G5RV on the same radio but the G5RV goes through a FC107 with slow motion vernier dials,has the Digi Master PRO+ cat/data modes interface. Once the FT102 is repaired the G5RV will run through that radio.
(2) Yaesu FT897 with the M0UKD MH-31 mod also have the DTMF mic modified,LDG-897 tuner , Signal link SL-1+, with a centre 5:1 Dolby surround sound speaker, 2m&70cm the mighty Maldol VT520D (best antenna I've had)HF Antenna= homebrew vertical 9:1 Unan with an inductive earth loop for/& a radial system .
(3) Yaesu HRI-200 ,Yaesu FT1500M ,dummy load
(4) Kenwood TM-V7E, Diamond X50
(5 )Echolink into TM-V7E & dummy load
(6) Yaesu FT480R into a hf transverter and B&W ATU into a end fed long wire with ballum ,2m colinear
(7) NATO 2000, Alti DM315E , KLB110DX, AT300 tuner into a A99 with inductive earth loop
(8) In the car Icom 2800H and a 7900 antenna ,NATO 2000 ,ES880 with CTE737 and a Scarlet Warrior ant with ground plane kit also has facility to mount a 20ft mast and 20-10 beam on towing plate.
(9) I have various handhelds Yaesu VX7R x2 & Fusion FT70D and other 2m & 70cm radios
Also have scanners and other SW radios around the house
(10) Portable kit is the Yaesu FT817ND modified mic ,LDG100 tuner , fishing pole antenna and SPX100 80m-6m antenna ,clansman rucksack frame with mounting antenna's etc, Pro-AM40m ,various other antenna and gadget facilities.