Foundation licence M6ENA obtained in May 2014.
Intermediate licence 2E0DHM obtained December 2014.
Full licence M0HWO obtained June 2015.
I`m increasingly using FT4 and FT8 due to high urban noise on SSB. Typical transmit power 20 watts or less using FT4/8 and when conditions are good my signal has reached Japan using 10 watts.
Typical power on SSB 100 watts.
Together with many other UK radio amateur operators celebrating the Queen Platinum Jubilee 2022, I will be using the suffix /70 to my callsign (M0HWO/70) during June 2022. I achieved my personal target of 700 contacts and I hope that the addition of my temporary callsign to your log will help you to achieve the RSGB Platinum Award if that is your personal target.
Many thanks for having a QSO with me either on SSB or FT4/8
Worked DXCCs:
Icom 7300
HF antenna, 6metre vertical antenna mounted 1.5metre above ground. 2 element beam on 6m band mounted 4metres above ground.