Everything for my radio amateur life started in 1970, when I obtained a good for that time short-wave radio receiver VEF201, manufactured by former USSR. From that moment I’ve started to listen international and local broadcasting stations on AM as short-wave DXer.
Since then I have the invaluable help and support of Mr. Rumen Pankov (from Sofia) - one of the best AM DXer in the world.
Gradually I made improvements and upgrading of my equipment, all they home brew as follows:
•Tube High Frequency Amplifier
•Frequency meter
Due to my activities I obtained a lot of QSL cards from many different broadcasters all over the world.
Simultaneously with the activities above I started my training for SSB operator in the radio club LZ1KKZ - Kazanlak, later I worked for radio club LZ2KAC – Gabrovo.
Listening of broadcasting stations never stops for me, therefore I have to and changed, upgraded and bought some equipment, as:
•SONY SW7600
•Grundig YB400PE
•Yaesu FRG-100
•New better antennas
On 30 June 2015 I obtained a Radio Amateur License and a Personal callsign LZ1CRI.
From 01 January 2019, I can use also callsign LZ1W during international contests.
Worked DXCCs:
Nowadays, my working conditions are:
- ICOM 7300 and YAESU FTdx101D Transceivers
- ACOM 1200S (one kilowatt) Linear Amplifier,
- ANTENAS with great support and help of:
•LZ1DY and LZ1DKZ:
Horizontal Dipole - 3,5 MHz.
Rotating Beam YAGI– 14, 21, 28 MHz, set at 12 meters height,
• LZ5DB and LZ3ZZ:
Horizontal Dipole, 2 elements - 7 MHz