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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-23 14:56:11 UTC









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Eduardo Gómez

1882 ( Ezpeleta Quilmes Oeste

image of lw3dg

Call data

Last update:2013-06-18 00:49:16
Main prefix:LU
DXCC Zone:100
ITU Zone:14
CQ Zone:13

QSL data

Last update:2013-06-18 00:46:46
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


Hello friends and colleagues! Thank you very much for viewing my information on this page.I a great lover of CW and so I say: the Honourable have the obligation and duty to carry the flame of the radio telegraphy! that's why honoring Samuel Morse and Gugliermo Marconi we have moral obligation to transmit on A1A CW with all clace handlers! We know that technology takes us down the road of computing but let us not forget that the true Telegrapher is one who performs the qso with keys and not which makes it with computer!.Let us not forget the great legacy that we left an and continue doing CW with keys!

We radiotelegraphists we have the obligation and the duty to carry the flame is on of the telegraphy ! That is why honoring Samuel Morse and Gugliermo Marconi we have a moral obligation to transmit in CW1A with all clace manipulators ! We know that technology is taking us in the way of computing but let us also not forget that the true operator is one that performs the qso with keys and not the one who does it with computer ! .Let us not forget the great legacy that we are still left and keep on doing CW with keys !

We the radiotelegrafistas have the obligation and the duty to take the burning flame(llama) of the radiotelegraphy! that's why honoring Samuel Morse and we have to Gugliermo Marconi the moral obligation to transmit in CW A1A with every manipulators clace! we know that the technology takes us for the way of the computing but let's not forget us that the real radiotelegrafista is that that realizes the qso with keys and not the one that does it with computer!.No let's forget the big legacy that us an left and let's keep on making CW with keys!
Nosotros los radiotelegrafistas tenemos la obligación y el deber de llevar la llama encendida de la radiotelegrafia ! es por eso que honrando a Samuel Morse y a Gugliermo Marconi tenemos la obligación moral de transmitir en CW A1A con toda clase de manipuladores ! sabemos que la tecnologia nos lleva por el camino de la computación pero no nos olvidemos que el verdadero radiotelegrafista es aquel que realiza los qso con llaves y no el que lo hace con computadora ! .No olvidemos el gran legado que nos han dejado y sigamos haciendo CW con llaves !" CW FOR EVER ! QSL VIA BUREAU VY SURE ! I CFM !

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second pic
LW3DG / Pic 2

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