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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-10 04:21:52 UTC









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Jon H. Dahl

JO59GV N-1312 Slependen,


Call data

Last update:2012-05-30 19:49:30
Main prefix:LA
DXCC Zone:266
ITU Zone:18
CQ Zone:14

QSL data

Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


It started with telephone wires to near by friends. Then after getting a Radionette BC receiver the Ham stations was heard. Got electronics education in RNAF (Airforse) and there started on a hamradio course. License came in may 1957. Built 50W input TX vith Geloso VFO and 6146 in PA working AM and CW. Then built Heathkit HX-20 and came on SSB.
Later studied in Stockholmm Tecknical Institute and became an electronics engineer in 1961. Got job in Elektrisk Bureau in Oslo, Later ABB and NERA. Developing radio link equipement and training costomers. Also doing instrument calibrations of all developement labs instruments.
Have been very active on VHF and UHF. More than 5015 different calsigns on 2m and 70 cm and over 6775 on 6m and DXCC nr2? for LA on 6m.
I am married to the daughter of LA6J and we have one girl Hilde Marie and one son Harald. Each of them have one son and one daughter so we are lucky to have 4 grandchildren (age from 10 and down).
Latest radio activity has been 4m where I use a 10m tranceivercalled President Lincoln.
Have removed voltage to the PA transistor and use it with a transverter from Hungary called ME4T-PRO. Antenna is a 5 element for bouth 6 and 4m on the same boom. Bought at Vine electronics in Wales.
Only one coax going to the 6m dipole element but it works OK on 4m.
I am using a Kenwood TS-2000X and I can then operate on 1296 MHz also.
Dipoles and verticals spread aruond the garden but also have a 17m tall Westtower that carries a TH-3 Thunderbird on 10, 15 and 20m + 16 el. Tonna on 2m and 9 el. x-yagi on 2m with selector for 6 different polarisations. Have worked over 61700 stns in the HF log. Also been QRV as JW8WF and operated from EA8/LA8WF at least 10 times. From Cypros only 1 time. Using IC-706MKII portable and IC-706 MKG in the car. Also stn for APRS in the car. 73 Jon


Homebuilt PA 4x 811A in gr. grid.
Acom 1000
3el TH-3 on 17m telescoping fold over tower made by Westtower in UK
2x10 el on 2m Wisi
16 el Tonne on 2m
9 el X yagi on 2m
18 el x-yagi on 70 Tonna
21 el yagi Tonna on 70cm
23 el Tonna on 1296
NAG 144XL PÅ on 2m
dipoles on 80 and 40m
W3DZZ on 10, 15, 20, 40 qnd 80m.
Vertical Fritzel on 12, 17 and 30m
Walkitalkies Bird 43 wattmeters Oscilloscopes, Signal generators, Spectrumanalyzers, tubetesters, deviation meters, MFJ269 SWR meter, multimeters powersupplies scanners,
ex german WW2 equipment just to mention a little bit.
When you have been in this business for over 40 years the house gets fully packed up very quick, hi. Better to get rid of most of it soon.


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