I return QSL's 100%. I love collecting QSL cards, so please send me one. I will promptly return one to you! I do not require a SASE. If you send your card, I will send you mine! If you want to know if you are in my log, there is a search window at the bottom of my page.
I currently live in North Pole, Alaska. My family and I have been in Alaska for the past six years. We love it and have no intentions of ever leaving the state. :)
I got my Ham Technician Ticket in Bethel, Alaska on November 14, 2014. Upgraded to General on December 6, 2014. I upgraded to Extra on November 5, 2016. My wife, Kayla, is KL3ZM. She is a technician. Hope to get her to upgrade to General soon.
I enjoy boating, snow machining, camping, hunting, trapping, and fishing. Lots to do here on the Last Frontier.
HF SSB is by far my favorite mode of operation, but I also get on IRLP from time to time. I have just learned CW and am slowly making contacts. :) I am interested in multiple digital modes and just ordered the audio and CAT cables for my rig.
My Radio Gear includes the following:
Alinco DJ-V57 Dual Band HT
Baofeng UV-5R Dual Band HT
Yaesu FT-2900R, VHF 2 meter mobile
Kenwood TS-430S, HF 10-160 meters
Kenwood TS-450SAT, HF 10-160 meters
Heathkit SB-221 Linear Amplifier, 15 - 80 meters - 1KW
Drake L4 Linear Amplifier, 10 -80 meters - 1KW
MFJ-962D 1.5 KW Antenna Tuner
SCG 230 Smart tuner
Double Bazooka antenna, 80 meters-not happy with this antenna...
Homebrew di-pole, 10 - 80 meters
Tuned receive loop for 160 meters, thanks to help from KL7AJ. :) See below for more info.
G3TXQ Homebrew Hex Beam, 6 - 20 meters mounted at 30' with a Ham II rotator
Speed-X CW Straight Key