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I operate from two locations. If you hear me, chances are I am running from the WV station.
WV Location Details
39.40304 degrees North Latitude
78.794284 degrees West Longitude
Grid Square: FM09oj
Hampshire County
WV STATION: I have completed a second station about 110 miles west of my VA location for weekend / holiday use, north of Romney in West Virginia. Location is about 1600' ASL on a ridge running approximately north/south. This station became active in late May 2013 with an AN Wireless HD-60 tower, M2 7&10-30LP8 log periodic and M2 6M7 6 meter yagi. I usually run an Icom 756Pro2 barefoot.
VA STATION: I am lucky enough to have tall trees behind my house, but still need to be careful of the neighbors and Home Owners Association. Current antenna is a 40/20 trap dipole @ 40 feet completely hidden in the trees. Currently running a Kenwood TS590S or Kenwood TS480SAT via RemoteRig with SPE Expert 1K amplifier.
DX Code Of Conduct
I support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.