Call data Last update: | 2012-07-18 13:38:33 | QTH: | Thousand Oaks, CA | Continent: | NA | Views: | 591 | Main prefix: | K | Class: | Technician | Federal state: | CA | US county: | USA | Latitude: | 34.2240370 | Longitude: | -118.8907940 | DXCC Zone: | 291 | ITU Zone: | 8 | CQ Zone: | 5 | Website: | | ULS record: | 2411393 | Issued: | 2002-05-16 |
QSL data eQSL QSL: | no | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | no | LoTW QSL: | no |
| Biography Emigrated from Germany in 1961. University of Illinois alumni. Research & Development for various companies in Chicago and California. Inventor or co-inventor on 16 U.S. Patents. Developed a patented method of sports event photography ( Happily married for 35 years, 4 children and 7 grandchildren. Hobbies include Ham Radio, Tennis, Hiking, Bicycling, Chess. Actively involved in developing a non-profit Hospice House ( and supporting the Reagan Legacy Foundation.
Read more about Peter in a Published Biography - Any proceeds are donated to Our Community House of Hope
I acquired in May 2010 a micro-node. IRLP 8267, Echolink 58267. Visit my HAM website at Check out CQ 100 - very cool!
GERMAN NET- Every Weekday M/T/W/T/F 18:00UTC(Winter), 17:00UTC(Summer) Peter (KG6LIN) as Net Control. Anselm (DG2HVL) helps with email follow ups. The German Net is an OPEN NET on the Western Reflector (IRLP 9251) or Echolink WORLD Conference (479886) and on Tuesday through Friday DB0SP-R (255413) / Spandau, Germany (145.600/439.425MHz).
WORLD WIDE FRIENDSHIP NET - Every day 7AM West Coast, 10AM East Coast Time Peter is Net Control each Monday morning. The WWFN is an OPEN NET on the Western Reflector (IRLP 9251) or Echolink WORLD Conference (479886) (
Join Peter on Facebook - give your call sign in the "Friend" request.