Thanks for visiting. My name is Max, I'm 13 years old and in the 7th grade living in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. I'm a member of (MRC) Milwaukee Reapeter Club (146.910) as well as ARRL (American Radio Relay League.) and part of the Waukesha County ARES. I do alot of HF on 10,17,20 and 40 meters. When 10 meters is open you might hear me on 28.400 and for 10 meters FM you might here me on 29.610. On 17 meters you can catch me on 18.140 or 18.155 SSB. You can usually catch me on 20 meters at 14.280, 14.290 and 14.310 SSB. For psk-31 you can catch me on 14.070 and SSTV you can catch my on 14.230. For 40 meters SSB you can hear me on 7.260.
73 de KC9UEA/Max
Icom-735, Kenwood-TS430s, Yaesu-FT5200, Kenwood-Tm732a.