Perhaps we just made a contact or maybe you dropped by to investigate my callsign.
Either way, thanks for stopping by.
If we just had a QSO, thank you!
I love the distant communications the HF bands provide.
I was so lucky to be active during our last wonderful sun spot cycle.
Like many of you, my digital communications included RTTY, Packet, Pactor, Amtor and G-tor.
I think we can all agree that today’s software and sound card systems provide excellent digital communications.
I began with PSK31 and have used several different modes with FT8 probably my favorite.
I am actively on all bands except 160 and 60 meters.
I use QRZCQ, QRZ, LoTW, EQSL and Club-Log.
I would enjoy receiving your confirmation of our contact.
Sorry, but I am not using direct mail.
Let’s hope our next contact via the radio waves is soon.
Cul, 73
Rick, KC4RNF
Worked DXCCs:
Yaesu 1000D, Kenwood TS-690, Moseley tri-bander at 50 feet, 500 ft long loop at 32 ft. HAAT