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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-14 13:56:11 UTC









Active user

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Robert B (Scotty) Wright

Muskegon 49444
United States, MI

united states
image of kb8aps

Call data

Last update:2015-04-09 22:53:47
Main prefix:K
Federal state:MI
US county:Muskegon
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:392283

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2015-03-10 00:18:55
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


I was born and raised in Scotland (Dumfries) in 1938 and came to the USA in 1969 as a Diesel Mechanic. In 1990 I left the trade and started a computer repair business providing tech support to small businesses. I retired in 2005. I moved to Muskegon and to this QTH in 1986. My XYL is a Scots lass also from Dumfries, my son was born in Dumfries in 1964 and my oldest daughter in 1967 in St Andrews on Xmas day, my youngest daughter was born in 1972 in the USA in Wayne MI. We have 9 Grand Children and 4 G. Grand Children.

I was licensed in Dec 9, 1986 I went up through the US amateur ranks to Extra class in 1988. I enjoy DX'ing, casual contesting, chasing awards in both CW and phone. I normally use LP I only resort to the Amp when I need a contact and have difficulty getting through. I also enjoy QRP CW. My newest mode is PSK 31 I'm still learning the basics.

I am a member of ARRL, ARCI-QRP, MI-QRP, QRZCQ.

I have the DXCC-100 Phone. DXCC Golden Jubilee award 1937 - 1987, WAS, Novice Round-up Award 1987 I have two first places in DX contests for the MI section.

I enjoy home-brewing especially experimenting with one and two transistor transmitters. I use Doug DeMaw's W1FB (sk) writings as a reference. Some of my station accessories started out as kits.

My QTH has 10 acres 7 of which are wooded and bottom land to the creek, the top 3 are where the house is located it is above the creek about 20m and makes for a good signal launch platform.
* * * * * * *

Worked DXCCs:


My Station is as follows:

HF Radio is a Kenwood TS-2000X covers all HF bands,6m,2m, 440, 1.2Ghz with satellite capability.

The radio is connected through a switching arrangement to the antenna's via a 300w automatic tuner (MFJ 993B). This gives me low power capability for local and DX communication.

Drake twins T-4RXC, R-4C, MS-4 are my back-up rig which I enjoy using once in a while. this is connected to my system including the Amp and antennas through the switch system.

I have a Heath kit Amplifier SB 200 which gives me about 600w on HF enough to break into the pile-ups. The Amp by-passes the auto tuner though a switch arrangement which brings in a manual 1500w tuner.

My QRP rigs are a Heath Kit HW 7 at about 3.5w out and a MFJ 9015 single band for 15m at 3w out. These are connected to the auto tuner (set for low power) and antennas through the switching device.

I have a 2m HT Icom IC-2AT connected though a MFJ TNC 1278 and a MFJ 1279 Sound Card Interface into the computer system for Packet communication.

I have PSK-31 capability through the SC Interface to the computer system.

My computer system consists of a HP Laptop (running Win 7) through a docking station for the Monitor, mouse and keyboard connected to the HF and packet via a serious of cables. I am active on echolink.

My antennas are a three element Mosley HF up 16m covering 10,15,20m the Phone section of the band is tuned to have direct connection to the radio while the CW section need the tuner. A G5RV for 12, 17, 30, 40, 80 up 20m and goes through the tunner. A vertical for 2m completes my system.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
KB8APS / My Home-brew workshop

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