I live in a small South Georgia town of Alapaha. It is located between the city's of Nashville & Tifton, Ga if you are familiar with this area.
If you are not familiar with the area. I am 45 miles North of the Georgia / Florida border. And 4 hours South of the metro mess we call Atlanta (thank God for that) Alapaha is a farming town where Peanuts, Cotton & Tobacco are grown. We have one convenience store, one Hardware/feed store and 2 gas station. There are 3 thing you will not find in Alapaha. A McDonald's, a cell phone signal and Beer or liquor. It's the country Y'ALL.
I retired in June of 2018 after 18 years with the Orange County Corrections Department in Orlando, Florida. Me and the wife sold the house and bought 10 acres. It was the best move we ever did.
I served in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Schweinfurt & Fulda Germany. My MOS was 19d ( Calvary Scout) we were tasked with patrolling the border between East & West Germany and Czechoslovakia. I was lucky enough to see the Iron Curtain fall that I had guarded for so many years.
After leaving the Army in 1992 I remained in Germany, as a civilian, working for Edeka Food Stores as a tractor-trailer driver. I can speak, read and write perfect German. In December of 1999 I returned to the USA to look after and care for my parents.
I started out many years ago playing on CB radio as a young boy. I bought a CB radio when moved up here to Ga. And quickly found out it wasn't like it was back in the day. I always wanted to get my Ham Radio License but was afraid of the dreaded Morse Code. It wasn't until February of this year I started studying for my Technician license. I was granted my ticket on 20-03-2019 and quickly started studying for my General Exam which I took and passed on 27-06-2019. I am currently studying for the Extra exam which I hope to take by the end of the year.
I am currently a Co-Control on the YL System 40m East Coast Session on 7.244 Monday thur Friday @ 2300 UTC (7:00 pm EST)
The YL System is a great group of Hams. Checkin with us anytime. Guest are always welcome.
Also check out the website at
The equipment I'm running here in The Tall Pines Ham shack is a
ICOM IC-7610
NA4RR Hexbeam 10m-20m @70'
Cushcraft World Ranger Rotatable 40m Dipole @ 65'
Homebrew EFHW Long Wire 130' 6m-80m @ 30'
Ameritron ALS 600 Solid State Amp
ICOM IC-9700 w/ a Cushcraft A27010S 2m/70cmYagi Beam
ICOM IC-7100 Mobile Rig
ICOM IC-2730A Dual Band UHF/Vhf back up radio
Pet peeves:
* Folks who tune up at full power (especially with a CW tone) on a frequency that's already in use. Can you move to a vacant frequency nearby and do that. (and by the way, please identify)
* Folks who don't ask if the frequency is in use before testing or calling CQ.
* Folks who call "Hooooooola" into their mics to check SWR or power out; aren't there better ways to validate your station's transmit worthiness?
Icom IC-7610
Icom IC-9700
Icom IC-7100
Icom IC-2730 (APRS)
EFHW 130 WIRE 10M-80M