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Special thanks to my Elmer and friend, Jack Norris W4TWX
and also thanks to a good HAM friend Fred Pinson K9PIN !!!
In 2003 I retired From Kemet Electronics / Union Carbide Corp. After 23 years, I then started my own General Contracting Company, Den-Den-Mar Corp.. I recently closed the business and retired and have more time for Ham
Worked DXCCs:
Base Station:
ICOM 7610 & FT897D , LA-1K Plastar Amp, Palstar HF auto tuner, Trylon 88 FT self supporting tower with HAM IV rotor and Force12 XR5 5 band Beam and Buckmaster OCF Dipole 8 band , LP-100A watt meter,
UHF & VHF, Tram 1840 dual band 2 meter / 70 CM
Heil PR871 mic,
Heil Pro7 Head set,
1: Yeasu FT-8800 w/ Diamond NR7900
2: Yeasu FT-60R HT