My call is an original K8 call from the 1950’s. I was first licensed as KN8MWO when I was 13 years old, in 1958, in West Virginia. After 62 years in ham radio, I still enjoy collecting QSL cards. I welcome your QSL, either direct or via the bureau.
I have a degree in electrical engineering, but my working career was in the military and in aviation. I spent 21+ years as an officer in the U.S. Navy and was a Naval Aviator, flying several types of airplanes, including the A-6 Intruder, A-4 Skyhawk, T-2 Buckeye, and the C-1 COD. I have about 500 landings on many of the Navy’s aircraft carriers. After retirement from the Navy I flew commercially.
The Navy and amateur radio go well together. I had the opportunity to operate from aboard ship as maritime mobile and from various aircraft and helicopters as aeronautical mobile. Some of my more exotic operations were from the South Pole (KC4AAA), McMurdo Station Antarctica (KC4USV), and Byrd Station Antarctica (KC4USB). I also lived in New Zealand for over three years and was licensed as ZLØAFY.
I enjoy various modes of operation, primarily SSB, CW, and PSK. I look forward to meeting you on the air. If we have already met on the air, I look forward to your QSL card.
Worked DXCCs: