Yeah, I'm that guy!! You can see my ham radio show on
In 2011, I began my Ham Radio hobby with my original callsign of KJ6MOS. I've since upgraded to an extra class license and even became a VE. I'm active with the Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club ( & have served as president, vice president and varios committee chairs. I recently worked in the Cayman Islands under my Cayman callsign of ZF2DA where I made several 20M contacts around the world on my KX3 with 5 watts and a piece of wire thrown over a balcony. I'm a big fan of D-Star, contesting and chasing DX spots. As you can see from the pictures, I drank the Elecraft Koolaid and came back for seconds. My current station is a complete Elecraft K-Line including K3S, P3, KPA500, KAT500 and remote rig. I've also got an Icom IC-7100 for Dstar HF, VHF & UHF work with MFJ 993B Intellituner. My other radios include:
You can most likely catch me on the group 7.155 in the mornings, the DV HF testing net when scheduled or on 2 meters at the W6EK repeater in Auburn or Reflectors 14C or 30C Dstar.
Worked DXCCs:
Elecraft KX3 loaded with all the bells and whistles with a KPXA 100 amp for portable operations.
Icom ID-5100 dual band D-Star Mobile (motorhome & base)
Icom IC-5100 dual band D-StarMobile (in my truck)
Icom IC-92AD & ID-51A dual band D-Star Handheld (in my hand)
Kenwood THD74 Tri Band, APRS, D-Star HT
Yaesu FTM400DR dual band Mobile (in my jeep)
Everything is operated thru an iMac running Maclogger DX & FLdigi. This setup makes chasing DX fun and easy. My antennas include a 2meter J-Pole, 2meter halo for ssb , an NA4RR 20 thru 6 Meter Hexbeam at 40 ft. in the backyard along with a homebrew 80 meter dipole fed with 450 ohm ladder line into an MFJ 993b Intellituner, oriented north / south. I enjoy working 10, 15, 20 & 40 meters. The next projects in the pipeline are a 500 ft loop antenna.