Retired, moved back to Virginia from Colorado in 2012. Live about 30 miles north of Charlottesville, VA, just east of the Shenandoah National Park.
Member of local radio club: Culpeper Amateur Radio Association and emergency communications club: R3EmComm.
DX'ing is my favorite ham passtime, but also like to ragchew. Interests include camping, hiking, fishing, hunting.
Base station:
HF Radios: Icom IC-7300
Icom IC-7610
Antennas: Mosley CL-33 tri-band Yagi (20-15-10m)
Alpha Delta DXCC (mostly 40m, but also does 80, 20, 10m)
Icom AH4 tuner with end fed sloper for 160, 80, 30, 17, 12m)