Licensed back in 1955 I was bitten by the “DX bug” after six months of operation. Since then I have been very active chasing DX and have participated in the major DX contests for over 45 years.
Starting out with simple equipment, I operated only CW until 1968–when I put together my Heathkit line (SB301/SB401), and was finally able to get on “voice.” I have never run more than 100 watts, and currently use the Ten-Tec Omni V transceiver with the Force 12, Model C-3, 7-element tribander antenna, up 10 meters high (also use a 80-40-30 meter Inverted Vee for the low bands). Operate only CW and SSB, but would like to start with the digital modes in the future. Since 2000 I have all my logs with the DX4WIN logging program, and use the WriteLog program for major contests.
Currently on the DXCC Honor Roll and am proud of my mixed totals of 360/339 (still need BV9 and P5), 357/339 (SSB) and 350/338 (CW). Am an active member of the Long Island DX Association (LIDXA Secretary for over 20 years).
I always QSL DX contacts 100% via the bureau (direct for a new country/mode or if you send me your QSL direct)–also LOTW and eQSL. Presently use a beautiful full-color QSL card showing the NYC skyline. Maintain a library of file boxes with over 50,000 incoming QSL cards. Hopefully yours is one of them!
I am an electrical engineer by training and profession, but also have held other jobs in publishing and writing (was editor at Popular Electronics magazine a few years back).
Have a lovely family with a great, understanding wife, three terrific daughters and sons-in-laws, and five grandchildren. One daughter even got her ham license a while back to show the OM that the test was easy!
CU on the bands--stop by and say hello!
Worked DXCCs:
Transceiver: Ten-Tec Omni V, 100 watts
Antenna: Force12, Model C-3, 7-element tribander, 10 meters up;
80m-40m-30m Inverted Vee