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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-23 00:12:44 UTC









Active premium user

activity index: 3 of 5

Shinya Takase

9600112 Fukushima
Japan, Fukushima

image of jp7fso

Call data

Last update:2016-01-15 23:05:26
QTH:Fukushima City
Main prefix:JA
Class:1st. Class
Federal state:Fukushima
DXCC Zone:339
ITU Zone:45
CQ Zone:25

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2016-09-19 21:22:58
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


J P 7 F S O

Above; Cherries are in full bloom every spring season at "Hanami-yama" in Fukusima city, JAPAN

Below; Mt. Azuma and its spring in the crator locates at the west wall of Fukushima city.

We call the spring "Goshiki-numa", meaning changing the surface color to five different way as time goes by.

Take a look at my BLOG page in Japanese, too.

8J3M/7 the operation has ended.

1817 QSOs has been worked.

I really appriciate for those contacts with you.

Please look at 8J3M/n page on to have more information.

See you again, 4 years later as 8JnM/x (n=would be 2, x=7 for JP7FSO)


JP7FSO, an amateur radio station has been opened in Fukushima, Japan since October, 2012, just after Great East Japan Earthquake.

All the people living in Fukushima are quite well, and facing toward this situation and working positively.

Purposes of this station are,

1)to enjoy radio communication with any kinds of people all over the world,

2)to communicate between Fukushima, Japan and the other countries' HAMs,

3)to provide reliable information to the people about current Fukushima,

4)to create friendship and peace among the world,

5)to do research RF propagation around the globe.

I now have 4 different ways to work on HAM radio communication.

1) Home; a central city of Fukushima, JAPAN

2) 2nd Shack; a suburb of Fukushima city, Matsukawa, JAPAN

3) Mobile; on Landcruiser, TOYOTA

4) Travel and QRP operation

1) Home

Now, I have little upgraded my system at home to the following for DXing.


SteppIR 3 elements with 40/30m dipole upto 6m bands, 15mh

Create Design rotary dipole CD78jr-H for 80m, 16mh

Diamond antenna X700,grand plane for 144/430MHz, 17mh



IC-7600(100W) for HF,

IC-9100(100W) for U/V,

FTM-400HD(50W) for U/V, WiresX,


SSB(main), CW, RTTY, PSK, FM, AM, DV(V/UHF), ready for SSTV

Microphones; with equalizer

ICOM SM-50 X 2

SURE Dynamic microphone

Linear Amplifier;

not used so far but planning power up near future.

2) 2nd Shack

It is a hill and locates 13km south from home. It is 210m over the sea level. The views from the hill top and the 2 towers are superb. Please come to see my 2nd shack!


On 1st tower (27m high):

 VERSA BEAM:KA1-406 (6 element Yagi like SteppIR) from Kojinsha Co LTD., (Japanese Antenna Company)for HF, 27m in height;

3-element-working for 40m,30m band

5-element-working for 20m to 10m band

8-element-working for 6m band (so far 7-element-working)


CD78L-5 modified with BC160H-5K by JA1BBE for 160m and 80/75m band;

 a rotary coiled dipole, 30m in height.

On 2nd tower (22m high):

 4X 13 elements Yagi from Create Design inc., for 2m band, 22m high

 2X 27selements Yagi from Create Design inc., for 70cm band, 23m high

 2X 4 elements and 2X 7 elements Yagi for satellite communication from Nagara incr., 25mh


IC-7851(200W) for HF,

IC-7300(100W) coming soon for substitution

IC-9100(100W) for U/V and satellite,

The view from the top of the 2nd tower, 23m in height


3)Mobile Station

In addition, my mobile station is also running in Fukushima and around.

Mobile Antennas;

monoband center-loading whips for 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 10, and 6m band.

monoband base-loading whips for 12m.

Above all are from Diamond antenna inc.

Multiband-operation-capable antenna, Diamond antenna SD330 and remote controller.

Mobile Transceivers;

IC-7000M(50W) for HF and V/UHF, all modes except for DV

IC-2820DG(50W) for V/UHF, FM/DV.

Auto-antenna tuner; LDG Z-100 plus for IC-7000M.

4)Travel and QRP operation

FT-857D(50W) at a hotel with a random wire antenna, etc.,

Auto-antenna tuner; another LDG Z-100 plus for FT-857D(50W).

Now, I enjoy to use Buddipole and Buddistick antennas.

Also, I am interested in QRP operation with Yaesu FT817ND and KX3 in the field.

Of course, I carry handy TRXs everytime.





3rd.&4th. classes issued Oct. 2012,

1st.&2nd. classes issued Jan. 2013.

W6FSO has been issued as passing FCC examination this spring 2015.

About me (a little bit...);

I am working as a physician, a cardiovascular surgeon, and an associate professor at Fukushima Medical University, School of Medicine. I love to operate HAM radio but lack of time for it. 95% of my operation is mobile during car transportation, and just only 5% is fixed in early morning and late night for less than 1 hour each, and holiday. Dr. Kenneth E Nollet, JO7XVL,a professor and director of Department of International Cooperation, works at the same institution, kindly introduces me on his website. Please take a look at the site and have reliable information of Fukushima and our institution.

Thank you for reading to the end.

I am looking forwards to meeting you on the air!!

This description has been modified Jan 3, 2016.

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Worked DXCCs:

QRZCQ Awards

DXCC 320
ITU 70
CQ 40
IOTA 250

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