Call data Last update: | 2021-02-12 02:58:45 | QTH: | Moto Azabu, Tokyo | Continent: | AS | Views: | 469 | Main prefix: | JA | Class: | 1 | Federal state: | Tokyo | Latitude: | 35.6552606 | Longitude: | 139.7339516 | Locator: | PM95UP87 | IOTA: | AS-007 | DXCC Zone: | 339 | ITU Zone: | 45 | CQ Zone: | 25 |
QSL data Last update: | 2021-02-12 02:55:32 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | YES | Extra QSL Info: | I upload all HF contacts to LOTW, with automatic logging of digital modes to, eQSL, Clublog, HRDLog and HamQTH as well. Paper QSL's always welcome! VHF/UHF direct contacts also logged. |
| Biography Recently received my US license and Japan reciprocal operating license (on air from August 2020!)
Active on HF+6M FT8/SSB and VHF/UHF on FM.
Originally from Wisconsin, USA (thus my main call AC9XE) and currently living in Tokyo, Japan.
I have a PhD in electrical engineering from UC-Berkeley and have been interested in radio for a long time, but only just got an amateur radio license! Equipment Icom IC-7610 with Comet CHV-5a v-dipole, Comet and Diamond monoband verticals, up to 100W
Icom IC-9700 with 7 element Yagi for 2m/70cm at 50W; 15 element for 70cm/50W; 16 element for 23cm/10W
Icom IC-705 for QRP (5W/10W) portable operation |