I started ham radio at 50MHz in 1974 using the FT-620. The call sign at that time was JA0TOR.
After that, I exchanged the rig for the FT-50B LINE that my friend had and enjoyed HF BAND.
After graduating from school, I QRT from 1980 to 2014 and devoted myself to my work.
In 2014, I used FT-450D to resume amateur radio with the current callsign JI1EHJ.
And now, I am enjoying my ham life.
I look forward to working with you.
Worked DXCCs:
RIG: FT-450D . Output power 100Watts(max).
ANT: Mobil whip type on the balcony about 18meters high.
QRV: 3.5MHz,7MHz,10MHz,14MHz,18MHz and 50MHz band.