Thank you for looking-up JA0BEJ page.
My name is Norio Yamamiya. My handle is "Nori"
I am 70 years old born on April 5,1949. When I was 14 years old I got Phone class license.
I started operation of "JA0BEJ" at the time of junior high school with 10 watts phone
3.5 and 7 MHz. (September 13,1963.)
57 years have passed since then, I am operating 5 to 400 watts CW SSB FM FT8.
The current licence is 1 class.
I worked for Kubota corporation an agricultural machine. I retired in the spring of 2019.
Now, my pleasure is to ravel with my wife and to eat good food and drink good sake.
Of course, I enjoy Ham Life. I am working CW SSB FM FT8 on the 3.5,7,10,14,18,21,24,28,29
50,144,430,1200 MHz Band.
Please call me if you hear.
Worked DXCCs:
HF Transceiver: ①Icom IC-7700 200 watts. 14,18,21,24,28,29,50 MHz Band.
②Icom IC-9100 100 watts. 3.5,7,10 MHz Band.
HF Amplifier: Thamway DXV600L 400 watts. 14,18,21 MHz Band.
HF Antenna: ①3.5,7,10 MHz Band ⇒ AH-4(ICOM Tuner)+12m wire.
②14,21,28,29 MHz Band ⇒ 3ele YAGI. ③18,24 MHz Band ⇒ 2 ele HB9CV.
50 MHz Band ⇒ 5 ele YAGI.
V.UHF Tranceiver: Icom IC-9100 10,50 watts. 144,430,1200 MHz Band.
V.UHF Antenna: ➀144,430 MHz ⇒ 2Band GP. ②1200Mhz ⇒ Collinear
D-star: Icom IC-9100 repeater; JP0YDY Niigata-university.
Wires-X: Yaesu FT2D Degital Analog Node Direct.
Mobile: Yaesu FT-817ND 5watts CW,SSB,FM,FT8 (HF,144,430 MHz Band.)