Hello All,
Greetings and thank you for looking-up my callsign. My name is Tot Henry. I live on the Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia, I've been an Amateur Radio Operator since 1974 and my previous Call was (J6LMV). I'm a musician by profession and a member of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Band. I am active on SSB and a few Digital Modes. In resent time I have been very active on 6 meters, thanks to my good friend Howard S. Sine (WB4WXE) for making availabe a 4 Element Yigi for 6m and two Amplifers.
William (Bill) Richards, (WB5ZAM)are amongst the many others I want to say thanks too, for what I will consider a fascinating Ham Radio experience. I QSL 100% Direct, please add $1 usd to assist me with postage and a self addressed envelope. Many thanks, and see you on the Bands soon. 73' Tot
Yaesu FT-857
Kenwood TS-820
Icom IC-726
Ten-tec Omni
4El. Yagi For 6m
Heathkit SB-200
Teletec DXP-L180
T E Systems
HLA-300 Plus