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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-13 17:57:04 UTC









Active user

activity index: 5 of 5

Danilo Papurello

Radioamatore/Radioascoltatore Sperimentatore

image of iz1hvd

Call data

Last update:2024-04-01 23:01:46
QTH:Valli di Lanzo, Regione Piemonte
Main prefix:I
DXCC Zone:248
ITU Zone:28
CQ Zone:15

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL dataUp to date!

Last update:2023-10-15 12:03:11
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES
Extra QSL Info:Direct - OQRS - eQSL - iQSL - LoTW - NO Bureau


Socio A.I.R.C.I.N. Associazione Italiana Radioamatori Conferenza Itaradio Network -
L' A.I.R.C.I.N. promuove la comunicazione e la sperimentazione in ambito radioamatoriale provvedendo a gestire i collegamenti nazionali dei ripetitori e nodi link simplex, collegati alla piattaforma EchoLink e messi a disposizione dai relativi gestori che hanno interconnesso volontariamente i propri sistemi sulla *ITARADIO* Conference.

Conferenza *ITARADIO* - Nodo EchoLink: 364332
IZ1HVD - Nodo EchoLink: 7244

Promotore del GMA - Global Mountain Activity in Italia -

Promotore di 145.425 MHz come frequenza convenzionale per le attività radio QRP e montane italiane in FM (GMA, SOTA e altre)

Fondatore del Clan 425
Il Clan 425 è un Gruppo di OM che utilizzano principalmente e assiduamente la frequenza 145.425 MHz in FM come ritrovo per condividere le conoscenze e Monitor per le attività QRP e Montane/Outdoor.

Manager Regione Piemonte FM MONTANO -
Fondatore e Referente CB MONTANO -

Fondatore e Referente RADIO KOLBE -


- EchoLink Node: 7244
- DMR ID: 2221999
- NXDN ID: 683

GMA / SOTA / MQC / FM Montano Chaser

QRP & QRPp Enthusiast - Boatanchors Enthusiast - Mountain Enthusiast, Woods and Nature - Naturalist Photographer - Horse Lover - Exotic Pets Lover - Scout Movement Supporter

IQRP#745 - MQC#245 - FPQRP#-1592 - QRP-L#531 - NAQCC#1783 - QRPClub#1030 - 9A QRP#145 - CTC#3145 - GRT#077 .-. - - SKCC#16170 - RASM#027 - GRSNM SRW#166 - GRA#1404 - GRP#052 - ARMI #A/1362 - FHC #5626 - EPC #25484 - A.I.R.#3121 / 1PD74 - ⚡TESLA Network: TESLA 1 - Clan 425 #1 - CB MONTANO: CBM1

Founder/Referent of: ⚡TESLA Network - Old Buzzards Gang - Clan 425

I'm a QRP & QRPp Enthusiast devoted to Low Power Communication and Mountain/Outdoor Activity.

I exclusively make QSO and DX in low power in fixed, portable and mobile station.

"100% QRP" - QRP, a choice of life, a way to be and to exist.

"To climb aloft more and more, the destination is the Sky, the objective the Universe and the Stars, the respect of the Man and the Nature...Hero is not who the stallion rides, but who work in point of feet".

If you make a QSO with me and you are a member of IQRP Club-Italian QRP Club, MQC Mountain QRP Club or FPQRP Club-Flying Pigs QRP Club, W8PIG please indicate to me your membership number, thanks.

The QSOs with me are valid for the achievement of I.Q.C.A. - IQRP Club Award. For details, please visit the IQRP Club website.

Favorite Bands: 10m, 6m, VHF & Up.
Favorite Mode: FM
Favorite Activity: Portable, Outdoor, Mountain.

QRG Monitor SSB: 28.360 - 28.400 - 28.425 MHz
QRG Monitor FM: 29.600 - 51.510 - 145.250 - 145.300 - 145.425 - 145.500 - 433.500 - 1297.500 MHz
QRG Monitor DMR Diretta: 433.450 MHz

GMA - QRG Monitor FM: 145.425 - 430.150 - 1297.500 MHz
FM Montano - QRG Monitor: 29.600 - 51.510 - 145.500 - 433.500 - 1297.500 MHz
RRP - Rete Radio Prepper - QRG Monitor FM: 145.300 MHz

EchoLink: ITARADIO Conference - A.I.R.C.I.N. Network (Node 364332)
DMR: TG Montano 222144

Favorite Activity: Portable, Outdoor, Mountain.

QSL: I send my QSL to all the contacts and I answer to all to 100% - I like the QSLs, I would want to receive all of your cards and I ask you, please, to send me the cards via Direct, eQSL, email, nevertheless, if your Callsign is in my Log, that's what's important and not a piece of paper. I believe that QSO, Friendship, and cultural exchange is #1 ... collecting QSL cards is secondary. Each QSO represents a possible Friendship, not a possible QSL exchange. What's important is "the live person" pressing PTT, not a QSL.

"The ability to make (and keep) many friends on the band, is the most powerful capability of your radio. This can only be achieved through QSO, not QSL".

• If you like to send me direct QSL, don't send money: I answer totally for free.

• SWL-Reports are welcome and will be answered to 100%

I'm an very active SWL and BCL, A.I.R. Associazione Italiana Radioascolto member: Italian SWL Callsign I/2005-03/TO ex I1-3411/TO (I1-3411/TO was issued before the Italian Law to DPR October 5, 2001 n.447 and it's no longer valid, only more emotional value) - SWARL (Short Wave Amateur Radio Listening) Callsign: I1001SWL Certificate n.851 10/26/2008 - IBCL (International Broadcast Listening) Callsign: I1001BCL

I'm also an CB 27 MHz Enthusiast, Founder and Referent of CB MONTANO with ID: CBM1 -
and PMR446 Enthusiast, member and Local Referent of Rete Radio Montana with ID: ALFA 666 -
and Gruppo PMR446 Italia with ID: 1BDAN (Italy) 3SDAN (Swiss) 2IDAN (Ireland) -

I'm also an Boatanchors Enthusiast, founder of "Old Buzzards Gang".

Besides the world of radio, I'm a Qualified Exotic Sitter and Equestrian Sports Operator, Naturalist Photographer (SIGMA-Foveon Enthusiast) Mountain Enthusiast, Woods and Nature, Scout Movement Supporter and a Retrocomputing & Retrogaming Enthusiast.

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IZ1HVD Danilo

Worked DXCCs:



DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
IZ1HVD / Pic 2

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