Hello, and thanks for visiting.
I started as CB and SWL (I0-066/FR) during the early 90s, together with some local friends. Licensed in 2003, I'm licensed also as N0HLG, S79AD and IW0HLG/HI7; I've also been active from IH9, IS0, SV9, EA6 and other holidays destinations.
I'm 43 years old and my main radio-activities are Satellites, rough CW ("tortugas" level, still learning...), some digimodes (except FT8-FT4). Interested also in satellite's telemetry reception and decoding, radio-gears homebrewing, SDR, QRP, Arduino, Linux, some website-buildings. Sysop of IW0HLG-3 Dxcluster node (DxSpider). Occasionally, you can find me in some HF and 6M contest, sometimes as /portable also.
I'm no longer bureau user, I'm sorry. Paper QSL are welcome only via direct to the address above (no need of $$, €€ or SASE etc.); my logs will be uploaded to LoTW and Eqsl also (usually monthly).
73 & GL!