ARI A. Righi Club was born in 1990 from a group of Amateur Radio Operator and it is a local club of ARI (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani) the Italian association of Amateur Radio and is located in Casalecchio di Reno, few Km north from Guglielmo Marconi's home at Pontecchio Marconi.
Lastest news:
Very important instruction for eQSL.
In all our portable operation during our IFF activation the call used all times was IQ4FJ/callarea number and NEVER used IQ4FJ/P so PLEASE don't send eQSL to IQ4FJ/P, need time to reject all QSL. TU
Check the correct call area and correct the eQsl and your log.
All our activation will be uploaded on eQsl and send paper QSL via Bureau.
For details and some photo af all our activation see club web site
Lastest news:
On Friday September 2, 2022 restored the QO-100 uplink with a new 3,5W PA on 1,2m dish previously disassembled due to breakage of the upconverter final stage.
On Sunday June 12, 2022 have installed the last QO-100 station setup, 1.2m dish with 3 turns helix and 2,5W for 2.4 GHz uplink and a second 80 cm dish with LNB for 10 GHz downlink.
2021 operations:
November 15, activation IFF-0249 by I4RHP as IQ4FJ/IN3 closed with 333 QSO in SSB.
October 24, activation IFF-0315 by IK4GBU, IK4IDP, IZ4CDX as IQ4FJ/4 closed with 297 QSO in SSB, CW and DIGI.
October 22-23, activation IFF-0278 by I4RHP as IQ4FJ/3 closed with 181 QSO in SSB.
September 17, activation IFF-2142 new one by IK4GBU as IQ4FJ/2 closed with 244 QSO in SSB, CW and DIGI.
September 10, activation IFF-1116 and DCI-SV214 by IK4GBU as IQ4FJ/1 closed with 189 QSO in SSB, CW and DIGI.
August 10, IFF-2136 and IFF-1501 activation by IK4GBU as IQ4FJ/1 with respectively 168 and 91 QSO in SSB, CW and DIGI
August 9, IFF-0724 activation by IK4IDP as IQ4FJ/6 with 153 QSO in SSB and CW
August 6, IFF-0847 activation by IK4IDP as IQ4FJ/6 with 167 QSO in SSB and CW
August 5, IFF-1361 activation by IK4GBU as IQ4FJ/1 with 127 QSO in SSB and CW
June 11, IFF-1889, IFF-1890, IFF-1891 and IFF-1892 Four IFF activation day, closed with more than 740 QSO as IQ4FJ/4
2020 operations:
September 27, IFF-1288 Natura 2000 - Punta Braccetto - Contrada Cammarana Sicilia as IQ4FJ/IT9
August 22, IFF-1393 Natura 2000 - Foresta della Deiva -Torrente Erro as IQ4FJ/1
August 14, IFF-1887 Natura 2000 - Coronvilla as IQ4FJ/4
August 2, IFF-1981 Natura 2000 - Montecalvo in foglia as IQ4FJ/6
July 19, IFF-1387 Manzolino as IQ4FJ/4
July 4, IFF-1625 Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Crevalcore
June 13, IFF-1818 Rocca dei Corvi - Mau - Mortou as IQ4FJ/1
June 9, IFF-0539 Area protetta provinciale Giovo Ligure as IQ4FJ/1
May 9, IFF-1376 Natura 2000 - La Bora as IQ4FJ/4
February 14, IFF-1151 Gessi di Monte Rocca, Monte Capra e Tizzano
2019 operation:
December 10, IFF-0703 Parco Alto Milanese by IK4GBU as IQ4FJ/2.
October 20, IFF-0189 (and DCI-MO066) as IQ4FJ/4 closed with 352 QSO, all QSO already loaded on eQsl and on IFFA, soon on WWFF and bureau paper QSL.
On August 2nd was activated IFF-0190 as IQ4FJ/1 and on August 24 and 25 was activated IFF-0482 and IFF-0211 by IK4GBU as IQ4FJ/1 all QSL are already sent via Bureau and QSO loaded on eQsl, IFFA and WWFF.
During the week of 21 to 28 July was be activated 2 IFF references as IQ4FJ/6 operated by IK4IDP, IFF-0729 and IFF-0851, the third referece IFF-0847 for a station positioning erron is not validated, sorry, may be next year this reference will be activated again, all QSL are already sent via Bureau.
Sunday 23 June the IQ4FJ team activate an IFF reference IFF-1153 - Bosco di Sant'Agostino o della Panfilia with the call IQ4FJ/4. Activation validated with 365 QSO
From May 4 to 19 IQ4FJ was a 1 point station to obtain the Mille Miglia Award
Sunday Septebmer, 16 - 2018 in the Rodari Park from 10.00 to afternoon there will be a demonstration (Festa degli Angeli) with all the associations and law enforcement agencies involved in the civil protection of the territory.
Italian 50 Mhz Contest and IFF-1476 activation during Sunday September, 9 - 2018 closed with 329 QSO, full log already loaded on eQsl as IQ4FJ/5.
GRA-7839 activation during the week-end 30/06-01/07 valid as "Symbolic Place" (Luogo simbolo) for "Black Feathers" (Penne Nere) AWARD managed by G.R.A. Alpine Amateur Group. The call used will be IQ4FJ/IV3
Activation ended with 82 QSO.
End of operations for 90 years ARI Award with the club call IQ4FJ and SASC E90ARI8
Full log is already loaded on eQsl with 1622 QSO.
For paper QSL all QSL received will be answered via Bureau or Direct (no contribution needed) as received.
PSE DON'T SEND QSL or eQSL to the personal call of the operators, they haven't value and will be rejected and avoid not necessary work of the manager.
Past events:
2017 May, 28: Fox Hunt IV edition DONE
2017 June, 18: IFF-0520 acitvation DONE
Upcoming events:
In the last IFF listing published in July 2017 some new IFF reference are added and may be some IFF activations may be possible.
Contest delle Province Italiane 50MHz September, 10: evaluating the possibility to activate a new one IFF reference from Parco La Martina IFF-1149 with one or two HF stations and 50MHz during Italian Contest. Unfortunately bad whether forecast, and realy bad whether, the activation was deleted.
But: October, 18 from 08 to 14 UTC we will be active on IFF-1150 new one, whether permitting ... obviously.
October, 21 from 13 to 16:30 we will be active during JOTA as IQ4FJ/J form our club toghether the Scout group Molinella-1