Michele was born in the 70’s and has lived part of his life in a little village near Siena in the Tuscany region of Italy. He graduated as an electronic technician in high school and he was first licensed in 1989 as IW5CGX (VHF & UP). He upgraded to A Class license and became IK5ZUI six years later.
He has enjoyed the challenges of VHF Contesting since being introduced to this aspect of the hobby by Luciano, I5ELQ. Since 1996 he has enjoyed Oscar and Radio Sputnik satellites and HF DX operating. He is a technical writer for some italian magazine for amateur radio.
When he moved to Madagascar in 2010 he obtained his callsign 5R8UI and set up his own modest station with a multi-band dipole and a 100W japanese transceiver. Today he is on air from 80 to 6 meter on CW, phone and digital mode with yagis and wire antennas and 500W output.
Michele has operated from a few DX locations and has held the calls: 8Q7IM, IK5ZUI/HI9, FH/IK5ZUI and now 5R8UI. He also operated with IZ8CCW and Mediterraneo DX Club as 5R8M in 2014 DXpedition and during the Mediterraneo DX Club 20th Anniversary in 2017 in Nosy Be, Madagascar.
He is a diving instructor and is currently working as CEO at Madaplouf Diving at the diving center in Nosy Be, Madagascar.
Michele has many other interests including sea and whitewater kayaking, stand up paddling, sailing, mountain biking, 4WD driving and ecology. He is also very active in the local Malgasy community affairs helping kids on track to be successful students.
Worked DXCCs:
Elecraft K3/100
Dipole antenna from 160 to 10 meter