Call data Last update: | 2015-08-23 06:35:22 | QTH: | Gaggio Montano Bologna | Continent: | EU | Views: | 740 | Main prefix: | I | Class: | A | Federal state: | IT | Latitude: | 44.1875000 | Longitude: | 10.9583333 | Locator: | JN54LE | DXCC Zone: | 248 | ITU Zone: | 28 | CQ Zone: | 15 |
Most used bands 6m (71%) 20m (13%) 40m (10%) 2m (3%) 15m (3%) Most used modes SSB (85%) PSK31 (8%) CW (6%) PSK63 (1%) PSK125 (1%) QSL data Last update: | 2013-06-24 14:10:27 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | YES |
| Biography 30 years ago I have started with Ham Radio licence. Just like a kid, at the age of 10, I remember playing and always in love with this communication technologies. First making receivers, then transmitters.. mod’s surplus equipments “ Loving the particular smell of the hot tubes on the surplus radio”, then like a SWL, I was listening at the voices from all parts of the world. After traveling around, I had good experiences in the OZ-land like VK6BCV call-sign ..lots of nice memories… Then recently I’m very interested in the digital technologies applied to the HAM-RADIO.
Now I had just movet to new location GAGGIO MONTANO that is 600Mt. ASL, I had settle up a new station with modern SDR APACHE LAB ANAN-10. Like any other OM the antenna system is always a "working in progress" and even the shack..
At the moment I have HEX-BEAM SP7IDX, Vertical X-300 6M-VHF-UHF,Vertical V-2000 \Diamond, 5 elements I0JXX 6mt., LINEAR AMP RFPOWER HVLA1K3, YAESU FT-857, YAESU FT-817, TOKIO HI-POWER HL-726D, KENWOOD TS-2000, ICOM ICR-8500 RECEIVER Etc.etc.
IK4GTC . now!!
You can see also My Blog to
73 good DX and enjoy your Hobby.
This is my link on Flickr Worked DXCCs: |