After a lapse of 12 years away from ham radio (previous calls: VE6EPE, CO2PD, CM2PD, CL2PD, CL7PE), and after moving from Cuba to Ecuador back in 1999, finally in mid 2010 I made my mind and got my Ecuadorian General License.
Im active on CW and DigiModes (mainly PSK31). So 99.9% of my contacts are either CW or digi modes.
How to QSL me:
I actually preffer using eQsl (ag) and/or LoTW because they are faster and cheaper for you and for me. I upload all my QSOs as soon as I can and if you can do the same, it will be very much appreciated!
Now: if you need/want/wish/like a paper QSLfrom me no problem, but please anyway try to send me an eQSL and/or LoTW as well,I gladly answer paper QSL 100% but please help me with 2 green stamps, NO SASE required and for sure I answer as soon as I get them if I don't answer in a reasonable time, don't hesitate to mail me so I can confirm you when I send/sent the QSL.
If you want to setup a schedule with me no prob, send me an e-mail and I will reply you with an estimate time of when I will be on air, and the moment Im on air I will write you again with the approx frequency Im using. I mostly operate on weekends twice a month approx.
My main station is where my father in law's cottage (Altitude 2705mts) the cottage is kind of outside Ambato city, Ecuador. Actually it is located in Pelileo's municipality at aprox 22kms northwest of Tungurahua vulcano, currently under activity.
As I live and work in Quito and I can not setup permanent antennas in my Quito's QTH then Im usually active on friday nights thru sundays every 15 days, when I visit my parents in law in Ambato. Im planning to setup a permanent internet connection there in the future in order to try to access my shack via tcp/ip and make some radio via a remote connection. Any advise will be gladly welcomed.
I currently own a:
Kenwood TS-430s
SDR Flex-1500 (5 watts QRP), this is my beloved rig, for sure!
SW+ (20mts 2watts QRP)
Rockmite (40mts 500mW QRP)
Emtech NW-30 (30mts 5Watts QRP)
SWL-20 (20mts PSK31 QRP) -> It needs final tuning to be on air hope to finish it somehow by next year.
Several receivers kits and
a country code wireless SDR 40/30 receiver
As you maybe noticed: I feel comfortable with QRP but sometimes I fall back to my TS-430s QRO. I got a TJ6A 6 bands SSB/CW QRP and Im trying to convince myself I can doit. The problem I find with this rig is the lack of exact documentation and the very few documentation is not correctly translated and very sparse.
Worked DXCCs:
Kenwood TS-430S
SDR Flex-1500 (5 watts QRP), this is my beloved rig, for sure!
SW+ (20mts 2watts QRP)
Rockmite (40mts 500mW QRP)
Emtech NW-30 (30mts 5Watts QRP)
SWL-20 (20mts PSK31 QRP) -> It needs final tuning to be on air hope to finish it somehow by next year.
Several receivers kits and
a country code wireless SDR 40/30 receiver