Operator since Feb 2000
i will *_not_* collect QSL cards !!!
pse if you want/need a QSL card use eQSL !!!
ich wohne im Kanton ZH, fürs H26 Diplom ;-)
many antennas ... wire for shortwave and beam or 6m, Fritzel GPA-404, FD-3, 4m LogPer or GP
Halfwave for 10m An99
many RX/TX ... Yaesu FT-817, Elecraft K2, Icom IC-736, Icom IC-7000, SkySDR, Xiegu 6100
digimodes most with FT-817 ... (5W PEP on all Bands), on 4m Sky SDR with XTRV 10W PEP
*new* Digimodes also with X6100 and 10W PEP most in /p
@home with IC-746/IC7k and thru 30W PEP