This is a short introduction of myself, covering my amateur radio career.
I've got interested in radios very early, during my elementary school years.
This has just increased at the army, where I got radio related tasks in 1967.
This gave me the possibility to learn the technical details as well.
After the army, I have continued my radio career at an elevated level,
and became a ham radio enthusiast.
After passing my ham radio exam in 1972, I got my first call sign HA5KE,
which I used for many years.
Then there was a pause for some years, but I did not give up.
After the years of silence, I got a new call sign HA5OKE, which is still active.
I have started the WWFF hunting and activation in 2016, which needed a special call sign, so I became HA44FF.
I am new to this field, and slowly but surely I am collecting the diploms.
I always take my radio with me, if I travel to abroad.
My QTH is located at the northern part of Budapest.
My devices are an Ft897, and an FT890. The antenna is not the best, but not bad at all: a COMET C250B, as I technically have no other choice.
I hope to see you soon over the bands, either in SSB, in CW or in PSK mode.
73/44 DX
Károly Kozma