Interested in radio since I was 8 years old .. a long time ago!
First licenced in 1983 and after trying various modes I started to use a teleprinter, then a computer to work RTTY. Since then I have only been active on the data modes, mainly in RTTY contests and DXing.
Currently I have 250+ DXCC confirmed on RTTY and always look for more!
Radios are Yaesu FT-1000D with various mods including IR filters.
Antennas are an Optibeam 11-5 on a 60ft Versatower, an inverted V for 80 and a quarter wave vertical for 40.
Other equipment is home brew and includes a 4CX1000 amplifier, terminal units, auto antenna switcher, interfaces and power supplies.
Current projects are solid state FET amplifiers, bandpass filters and other gear for contesting.