Greetings from Belfast, Northern Ireland. I've been licensed - with this callsign - since 1982.
I QSL every QSO via LotW, eQSL and, usually within 24 hours.
Like so many others I moved around for jobs, raised a family - and was QRT for a couple of decades.
Anyway I'm back, experimenting and having fun.
Best 73 to you.
Worked DXCCs:
Yaesu FT710
Yaesu FT950
Multiband (folded) dipole - the ZS6BKW variant of the G5RV
Yaesu FTM-300D VHF/UHF - FM, C4FM, Wires-X
Yaesu FT-4XE Handheld 2m FM analogue
Anyone AT-779UV FM and DMR 2m/70cms
Never more than 100w