This section will be added to in stages, my main interest is QRP working. At home I run 100w
but like most urban situations I am plagued with man made noise..
That is the reason I go out into the local hills and countryside to escape the QRN and enjoy Radio.
Home QTH - Yaesu FT847 running 100w int a G5RV, I also have a 12m Groundplane antenna supported
on an 8m Sota Pole.
/P I use Yaesu FT817ND with an LDG Z817 tuner. I use various antennas but the main one is
a Watson 9 band mobile antenna mounted on a tri mag on the roof of the car. The power source
is a 7amp slab battery. I do not do mobile as I far more important things to concentrate on whilst driving as you know.
My other antennas are an MP1 Super Stick and a Buddy Stick. A 40m Dipole and a 15m Groundplane.
Plenty to use and play around with....