Thank you for visiting my page.
If we have recently worked, thank you for the QSO.
First licensed back in 1982 with G6PRZ I operated regularly on 2m from the East Midlands just south of Nottingham. I took the morse test and gained my current callsign G4VHJ a year later and was active until I went to music college in London. Sporadic activity for the rest of the eighties until I moved to Ewell (Surrey) in 1994. I am enjoying catching up on developments in radio communication that have passed me by in the last three decades!
During Covid-19 lockdown in the U.K. I have been experimenting with a variety of portable antennas in my garden. Inverted vee dipoles for 40/30/20/17 and 10 metres with more bands to come soon! I'm getting back into CW and have a new Iambic paddle as well as a Kent straight key.
Looking forward to working you soon.
73's Julian
Kenwood TS140S added to my shack in September 2020
Yaesu FT818nd and MX-P50M Power Amplifier which gives me 15/25/30 watts output.
Inverted Vee dipoles in the garden
Yaesu FT-4X handheld
SONY ICF5900W which was my first radio with a BFO so I could listen to single sideband transmissions (late 70's).
TECSUN PL-880 for travelling.