Call data Last update: | 2024-04-28 18:57:46 | QTH: | QTHR | Continent: | EU | Views: | 274 | Main prefix: | G | Class: | A | Federal state: | Kent | Latitude: | 51.1176549 | Longitude: | 0.2665513 | Locator: | JO01DC | IOTA: | EU-005 | DXCC Zone: | 223 | ITU Zone: | 27 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
Most used bands 80m (64%) 20m (11%) 40m (11%) 160m (4%) 6m (3%) Most used modes SSB (27%) CW (26%) FT8 (15%) RTTY (15%) MFSK (12%) QSL dataUp to date! Last update: | 2024-04-28 16:51:53 | Bureau name: | RSGB | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | no | LoTW QSL: | YES | Extra QSL Info: | Also via OQRS |
| Biography I was very active when first licenced in the 1970s, primarily on 160m. During this time I was a member of Verulam ARC and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) ARC.
Frequent changes of QTH, increasingly demanding jobs and slightly later a young family led to amateur radio being reduced to RSGB membership, reading Rad Com and not much else for just less than 40 years.
Bringing the story up to date, I have now retired and have had the time to rebuild my station and antenna systems from scratch and to finally start to enjoy the advances in communications and digital technology - if not the greater EMC problems. I am now active on all HF bands and new for me, 6m, 2m and 70cm.
I joined West Kent ARS at the end of 2017 and CDXC in March 2019. I have resumed my contest and DX interests. Worked DXCCs: |