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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-22 16:56:51 UTC









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Nigel B

ME Kent

image of g0gda

Call data

Last update:2021-07-08 08:36:23
Main prefix:G
DXCC Zone:223
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

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QSL data

Last update:2020-03-20 09:10:53
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no



Raising awareness of the Guide Dog Association and the excellent work they do. - Every Day in the U.K. someone goes blind !!!

One of the operators of the RSGB callsign G6XX in the monthly 80M cc competitions

Part of the Virtual Amateur Radio Club DXpedition MX0VRC to Isle of Lundy May 2016 and the Island of Ynys Gybi as MC0VRC May 2017. May 2020 venture to Lundy unfortunatly has had to be cancelled

Hi and thanks for stopping by

Decided work didn't agree with me so I took early retirement in 2006 -- well you're only here once - so in May 2008 left Lancashire to move south to Kent - the county lies SE of London and covers an area of over 1400 sq miles or 2255 sq Klms with a coast line of over 350 miles or 565 klms. This is where the ancient Canyiaci people used to live pre Roman times - the garden of england and where Oast houses are found.. These buildings were used for drying hops prior to making beer but as the drying process has been changed now they have nearly all been turned into private homes ( Example Pictures At the end - unfortunately none is my home as I didn't have enough gold doubloons - starting prices are about 650k GBP ). I bought a run down cottage ( similar to the houses on T.V. programmes ) and spent 2 1/2 years renovating & extending it. The QTH is on the top of a small hill about 65m above sea level approx 5 klms from the north sea and 40 miles 65 klms south east of London.

The cottage has 16 Solar Panels generating 4kw of power which makes us self sufficient in electricity during daylight hours and exports the excess to the national grid - it helps with the bills and pleases the tree huggers. Therefore the rig is being powered by the sun during the day - VERY ECO The Solar Panels face South East - 127 deg. ....Not the best orientation but can't be changed as the cottage is kind of grounded. There is a big increase in generating power when in sunshine which is great as we had to pay for the installation first. We receive 50 pence per Kw ( half a GBP ) generated plus the use of the electricity while it is being produced - so a little free power. It's estimated that the system pays for it's self over approx 7- 8 years then it's into profit . The payment is index linked and guaranteed for 25 years Yeh !

I live in a village where some houses were built as early as the 16th century so unfortunatly an aerial array wouldn't go down too well. We don't have any shops, pubs or even street lighting - If we go out walking at night we have to take a torch ( spooky ). We do however have an architect designed village hall, a phone box and a 13th century church made from flint.

I have been off air due to work commitments and other things since 1996 and only came back on when the cottage was finished in October 2010 - quite a break.

In my very green station I use the new FTdx101MP - amazing receiver and 200w I use the brilliant Hyper-X Revolver S headset (using 5v supply from the mic socket) with the rig then a Palstar at-500 into the aerial, either a newly aquired 6 band G3TXQ hex beam or a home made full size Windom Antenna at about 8m. --- Leaves a G5RV for DEAD - well it would.
Data is run from a laptop through an A-B cable (Printer cable) to the built in interface in the radio. PSK, RTTY, ROS, Olivia, Hellfield, FT8 & FT4. The small amount of morse is done on a Begali signature key which is like a Lamboghini and I can hardly keep up.

I am informed the Carolina Windom was 1st designed and made in Elizabeth City N/Carolina. There are many versions of the Brilliant Windom Antenna and this is the one I chose. - - to the antenna aficionardos the following is probably up a gum tree .. but I can assure you it works exceptionally well on all bands - not just a couple --- Westflex 103 coax feeder to the base of a tree into a 1:1 balun - home made with FT 240-61 ferite ring - to make it work on 80m & 160 - then 22ft (6170mm ) measuered coax up the tree to a 4:1 current balun purchased from The USA connected to an off set wire of 44' ft (13411 mm ) and a 88' ft (27127mm ) legs. One end is held up by another tree at the bottom of the garden and the longer leg by the cottage chimney - the highest point is about 24' ( 8m ). Just before the wires attach to the top balun they go through their own egg insulator which is attached to the tree each side so as to take the weight of the wires. The wire used is .25 plastic coated multistrand ( bought from a rally ) and the coax feeder needs to be about 80ft ( 24800 mm ) The aerial works on all bands except 6m including warc with only a little adjustment of the external atu - the aerial lies in a north east and south west direction decided by the garden layout. 6m is via a PA3HCM square halo mounted on a 3m piece of waste pipe and the best dx is Serbia over 1000 miles.

For 2M & 70 I use a Yaesu FT991 through a Diamond X200 on the chimney - works quite well with the open views to the east, north and west. The rig also doubles as a 40m portable station running off a car battery from a scrap yard, the aerial either a Trans World 2010L Vertical Di-Pole or - coax into a connector block of a straight cut centre fed dipole - 33ft each leg ( 10044mm ) in an inverted V configeration held up in the centre by a fishing pole and tied off via egg insulators to what ever is available.

I am a founder member of VARC Virtual Amateur Radio Club M0VRC of North Kent. I am also a member of MARTS - Medway Amateur Receiving and Transmitting Society G5MW. I enjoy DX hunting, the most satisfying so far being South Cook, Hawaii, Tristan da Cunha & Ascension Islands - not bad on Mic and Dipole. I also try in SSB competitions, data dx - PSK31 & RTTY - unfortunatly my favourite mode AMTOR is no-longer heard on the bands and is Sadly missed, I also partake in local rag chewing in the evening on 40m when the station manager is watching soaps.

I do some volunteer driving taking people on hospital or doctor appointments. I also like Table tennis, sea fishing, photography, cycling, ten pin bowling and playing my Usa Fender Bass guitar > badly



George Zero Good DX-ing Amateur
Holder of the RSGB Whitworth Trophy 21/28 SSB Restricted Section

Remember - Don't upset the illusion - If you're not living on the edge you are taking up too much room

Wine gives you wisdom Beer gives you strength but Water gives you bacteria

Worked DXCCs:


Yaesu FTdx-101MP Palstar AT500 Windom Dipole @8m
6 Band G3TXQ Hex Beam
Square halo made from 15mm copper pipe for 6m see below

Portable Yaesu FT-991 Transworld Antenna TW 2010L Vertical Dipole or 40m home made Dipole

Pikkies Below

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
G0GDA / Pic 2

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