Mainly active on 10M, 6M, 2M and 70cm though occasionally active on other HF bands.
Interests include 12M/10M/6M/2M/70cm DX, VHF/HF contests, Top-Band Direction Finding and Data
modes - I'm starting to play with MS and I'm interested in, though not currently active with, EME.
WAB:SJ88 Book#5803
Contact confirmations are logged with LOTW, ClubLog and eQSL - SORRY, NO PAPER QSL CARDS.
Worked DXCCs:
Station currently consists of:
HF/6M - IC-756 Pro2, Acom 1000 linear. Antennas: 80M horizontal loop at 5M AGL and self built
G0KSC 4e-10M/5e-6M interlaced Yagi at 12M AGL.
2M - IC-275H, Beko HLV-1000 linear, SSB elex MH pre-amp. Antenna: Self built G0KSC 12e LFA Yagi.
70cms - IC-475H, Beko HLV-550 linear, SSB elex MH pre-amp. Antenna: Self built G0KSC 22e LFA Yagi.