73s! Je m’appelle Fabrice je suis originaire de Rencurel sur le Plateau du Vercors. Je suis Indicativé depuis Avril 2023 (merci à Dimitri F4FLH et les amis de F4KMI pour m'avoir coaché pendant toute la saison 6). J’ai découvert le radio-amateurisme en 1986 avec F2AA Raymond qui opérait sur Grenoble.
Greetings from the French Alps, my name is Fabrice i have been working as Professional Land Surveyor since 30 years.
I was born in 1966 in RENCUREL village located on Vercors plateau and i'm living on the south part of the plateau ( 40Kms from Grenoble) (Locator JN24PX). First entered in radio world in 1979 with a Pacific 800 ssb CB radio i did my first DX contact in 1980. Then entered in HAMradio world in 1986 when i met my radio mentor F2AA Raymond!
Meanwhile i started my first Trial bike competition at age of 14yo in 1980 riding a Yamaha TY 125 then SWM 123, SWM 320 then got my A2 bike permit in 1993.
Being from an old generation i prefer paper QSL and I do QSL 100%, collecting paper QSL ! Pse email me to get my mail adress.
QSL direct or URC BURO, no contribution needed, and i'll be glad to return my QSL
SWL Welcome
QSL can be sent via URC BUREAU
I have started radio in 1979 (CB) i'm enjoying mountains hikes, and bike rides, and i'm an aviation fan.
Worked DXCCs:
Trafic cond.
Yaesu FTdx-3000 + M-90 mic / Desk Mic M-90 MFJ-969 Tuner II
Yaesu FT-990 + MD1B8 Mic + ANNECKE Transmatch 750W V3
ACOM 700S Amplifier
Antena : Windom wire and triband Spiderbeam
Mobile : FT-450D + MH-31 stock modified Mic / Falcon Outback 2012 multiband
FT-767DX Line + MD1B8 Mic /
Portable OP and 70cm/2m:
FT-897 Hendfed + 49:1 Transf.
Mobile : Falcon Outback 2012 multiband